Posts Tagged ‘Fruit’

Weight Loss Tips – To Do or Not Do

November 26, 2020

DO Have a Good Mindset

Attitude is critical to sucess, and if we are not approaching our disciplined regimen with the right outlook, our chances of success are slim. Stress and other negative emotions tend to lead to either over-eating, binge eating, poor food choices or a combination of these.

DO Eat Protein in the Morning

Studies have shown that eating breakfast triggers the release of dopamine, a feel-good chemical which allows to control impulses making that afternoon snack of a candy bar significantly lower. Research has also shown that skipping breakfast is harmful to our metabolism which can actually make us 4.5 times more likely to be obese, and it increases our odds of overeating at the next meal.

Eggs baked with cheese and veggies.. Yum!

Starting the day with high protein levels creates a higher thermal effect increase the number of calories burnt through the day. This morning boost also better preseres lean body mass, which further protects the metabolism, and aids in a more tone and defined look. High morning protein levels also lessen cravings, mood disturbance, irritability, stress, and fatigue levels.

DON’T Eat Too Late

Eating a large meal late in the day could be hurting our chances of successful weight loss.. Eat larger meals for breakfast or lunch, and include healthier treats & snacks. Switch the soup or salad from lunch and eat it for dinner instead. People have lost upwards of 35 pounds simply from shifting meal times, while eating the exact same diet. This shift also improves sleep quality and decreases morning grogginess.

Eating late is not recommended, but if you must, choose something light.

DO NOT Starve Yourself.

Make sure we are eating enough. Skipping meals or simply not eating regularly tells your body that you may experience a famine in the near future and your metabolism will adapt. Regular eating tells your brains that there is food ready to be consumed and your body doesn’t need to store what you eat as fat for later.

While we think that skipping a meal or postponing a meal will help reduce caloric intake, we become ravenous. We over eat, binge or don’t make a proper meal in lieu of something quick – like fast food from McDonald’s or Little Ceasar’s. Healthy snacks, premade food both dinner or prepped, and structured meal times can help make sure that hunger stays under control resulting in more balanced, healthy meals.

Starving also creates blood sugar imbalances, where it goes up and down each day resulting in hormonal chaos. When hormones are out of whack, the weight does not come off no matter what is done.

Do Not Make Excuses

Shit or get off the pot. Commit to it. Make ourself accountable. Set goals and follow through. We have to make these changes to see changes.

DO Monitor Your Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is one of the biggest weight loss challenges. A single glass of wine is between 120-125 calories, a vodka soda is a little over 100 calories, and a 16 oz margarita can set us back more than 1,000 calories. Then how often do we only have one? Typically with no nutritional value, alcohol tends to make us crave greasy, unhealthy food rather than a protein-and-veggie-packed meal

Just one glass of wine has 120-124 calories.. But who drinks just one?.

Do Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Most grown adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night in order to function at their best. As it turns out, that amount of sleep is also ideal for preventing the pile on of excess pounds. A recent study found that people who didn’t get the recommended amount of sleep were more at risk for weight gain.

Do NOT Regularly Drinking Pop/Soda.

This is my Kryptonite.. My caffeine is Coke.. I really enjoy drinking Pop.

Pop, Soda, Soda Pop, whatever you call it

Drinks & diets high in sugar have the potential to decrease the microbial diversity in the gut within the digestive system which appears to be associated with most of the human diseases affecting westernized countries, including obesity.

Do Not Weigh Yourself

Well, yes, you do need to weigh yourself, just don’t do it every day. Once a week is good. Daily weigh ins are often discouraging due to natural fluctuations. You see every bump & glitch in your weight loss. Weekly weigh-ins are a much better time frame. Also us the same scale, in the same clothes, at the same time of day to get consistent & more accurate weight-loss readings.

Do Get Exercise, Like Walking

Working out plays a crucial role in weight loss and can help us maintain our weight loss for years to come. While people tend to find one workout routine that works for them, research has shown it’s important to switch it up. Instead of simply running or walking, try to vary the speed as you go. Walking at varying speeds can burn up to 20 percent more calories compared to maintaining a steady pace.

Running is a good form of exercise

Do Reduce Your Carbs & Added Sugar Intake

The American Heart Association recommends no more than 100 calories per day from added sugars, or six teaspoons, for women, and 150 calories (nine teaspoons) for men. Most Americans are ingesting much more than that, so to get & keep the weight off, reduce the amount of added sugar you eat. Reducing the intake of calorie-dense sugar carbs automatically reduces the amount of calories consumed on a daily basis, which forces the body to burn fat stored around the midsection for energy, rather than the sugars it takes from carbs!

To increase the chances of obtaining that bikini body, swap simple carbs for high-fiber foods. The current recommendation of fiber intake is about 25-28 grams per day, Focus on eating whole foods that are naturally high in fiber like fruits, veggies, and unrefined grains. Suggestions include : whole grain breads, whole grain oats, , fruit & veggie smoothie, veggie chili, veggie burrito, sweet potato toast, nuts, yogurt with granola, veggie pasta with turkey, fish baked with vegetables, stir-fry, and veggie scrambled eggs (the more veggies the better) – I like bell peppers & mushrooms with some cheese in mine

Do Eat More Protein

In addition to fiber, protein is another important player in the weight loss game because it requires more energy to burn than carbs or fats and thus keeps you fuller longer. A study found that Greek yogurt, with the highest protein content, to have the greatest effect on weight-loss. For an added boost of protein and flavor, consider topping your Greek yogurt with some fresh berries and almonds and then pair with a hard-boiled egg. Other high protein edibles include jerky which now comes in a ton of flavours, string cheese, high-protein smoothies, veggie pasta from beans, egg muffins which is the same idea as scrambled but baked instead, cottage cheese with fruit or nuts, frozen Greek yogurt adding peanut butter powder & fruit, roasted pumpkin seeds, again oatmeal with fruit & nuts , cheese muffins, pancakes from Kodiak flour, and protein bars or better yet, homemade protein bars made from oats, dates, nuts & protein powder.

Chheese Muffins! Yum!

Do Slow Your Eating

It takes twenty minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s had enough, so if you eat slowly chances are you will consume less and see your belly shrink. One study found slow eaters took in 66 fewer calories per meal. While only 66 calories might not sound like much, cutting that amount out of every meal adds up. Just that difference alone can result in a loss of more than 20 pounds in one year! The simple trick to slow your pace: Place your fork down on the plate after each bite.