Food Choices with Fibro IX

Sugar is a kind of cellulose, that is to say, a material that offers energy for the body. This perk often appeals to people whose fibro symptoms leave them exhausted. In large amounts, sugar can pack on the pounds, causing fibro patients to experience even more pain. An article in the Journal of Pain found that overweight FM patients agonized more extreme symptoms, including sleep problems, stiffness, and pain. If you are yearning anything sweet, Batayneh says, go for the things having natural sugars, like a slice of fruit.

Sugar…Sweet, sweet sugar…

i definitely agree that with being smaller does help with the physical stress on my body and significantly lowered my pain level.

While I have lost a shit-ton of weight, I still very much have my sweet tooth.. Yum!! Probably why I’m stalled for over a year..

Various Sweets
More Sweet Desserys.

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