Archive for March, 2010

FMS-friendly Exercising

March 11, 2010

FMS-friendly Exercising
By Kelli Ellis

This slide show includes information on warming up, stretching, and the boosting of muscle, mood, and strength. Specific exercises that are given include the Isometric Chest Press, the Isometric Shoulder Extension, and calf stretches. Recommendations are made concerning the use of free weights. The arts of Yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) are discussed and recommended for health of both the Mind and Body. The use of heat therapy and cold packs are also discussed.

How Much Is Enough?

Some research shows that exercising two days a week for 25 minutes daily can result in immediate improvement of fibro symptoms. If you’re just getting started choose a low- to moderate-intensity exercise such as mall walking, swimming, water aerobics (warm water is best), yoga, or tai chi. Always check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

**Fibromyalgia Slideshow**

OnGoing Pain

March 2, 2010

I am currently in week 5… Or is it week 6? Either way, I’ve been in a solid flare for a while now. I’ve never been having as many problems on an ongoing basis for so long before. I’m hurting, & my balance is shot (more so than usual). My cognitive abilities have decreased; it’s harder to think, and to read, so research is out of the question. Original posts may lack cohesion (so beware! *grin*) and even posting a non-original post is hard cuz I’m not entirely sure of relevance or what personal comments I should put with it.


It seems anything I do makes things worse. But yet I can do everything, it just hurts like an SOB to do so – that’s *with* the pain meds in my system. I have to totally max out on my strongest painkillers & then some to even go out! And I refuse to go out alone if I am heavily medicated (found that out two weeks ago the hard way!) 

For those who go through these ongoing flares, how do you do it? How do you deal with being so off normal, even way off normal for us Fibromite & CFSers!? This is driving me insane. 

And the big Catch22: I can not sleep well cuz of how I feel, but to feel better I need to sleep well. Doesn’t that just say it all? 

I hope this makes sense. The spelling should be fine cuz there’s an auto spell-check on my BB which let’s me add words like fibromyalgia and Fibromite. :). Let me know if this is just incoherent babbling. 

Wishing you a happy and pain-free/symptom-free day!!