Archive for April, 2023

Battling Weight Gain

April 28, 2023

As mentioned on Tuesday, I have put a good chunk of weight back on and I’m now starting the process of fighting it back off. Here is my plan:

Exercise: I have reached out to the personal trainers at my gym to inquire to see who would be the best fit for me to set up an exercise regime for me to follow. I’m more likely to do so if it’s set out for me. Part of what helped me lose weight last time was running but I hate running.. At least running for running sake.

Comfort Food: I am no longer bringing in food that I consider to be comfort food that is deadly to the waistline. This means no more cookies or pudding or chocolate. It also means no more ordering pizza or other fast food.

Portion control: I have to return to watching exactly how much I eat. So if I make a pizza from scratch I can’t eat the whole damn thing in one sitting. That is no longer allowed.

Weight Gain

April 25, 2023

Over the last few months, my mental health has not necessarily been the greatest.

Motivation has been down, so getting to do things that aren’t scheduled has been a challenge.

Fatigue has been high, so having the energy to do even the things that are scheduled has been a challenge. I should follow up with my doctor to ensure it’s not just the fibro cuz it’s been more as of late & I am getting my B12 shots done regularly now.

Pain has been escalating. It hasn’t been high enough to warrant a visit to the ER, but it is higher than it was before Christmas. It’s usually been muscular pain in my leggs, sciatica pain in my lower back or just plan old headaches or migraines (a bit of both). Pain doc can’t help with the first or last beyond medications, and I’ve been getting epidurals for the sciatica. Unfortunately my back popped a month or so ago, so the epi hasn’t been as effective (yes, I’m following up with my GP on that when they return my call)

Comfort food has been the go to lately, most of which has not been healthy. Junk food, cookies mostly leftover from Christmas, candy, chips, etc . Not the best choices.

The accumulation of all these factors has resulted in significant weight gain..

Symptoms You Should Never Ignore – Joints 17-20

April 7, 2023

17/20 Joint Popping or Clicking

Don’t Worry:

That snap, crackle or pop you hear when you stand up, walk down stairs or stretch is called crepitus, and it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re decrepit. It’s either caused by gas bubbles forming in the fluid that surrounds and lubricates the joints, or the sound of a tightly strung tendon snapping as it slides over a bony surface. Either way, if the noise is painless, it’s nothing to worry about (and becomes more common as we age, especially in the knees).

Do Worry:

If the cracking hurts or the noise changes to a crunching sound, see your doctor—as arthritis progresses, the breakdown of cartilage can lead to bones grinding against one another. Your doctor will first recommend exercise therapies to support and stabilize the joint, and if necessary prescribe medications for pain and inflammation relief.

I pop my knuckles & thumb all the time.. my knees like to pop on their own and occasionally my should & elbow pop . Those can get painful if it pops while moving in a certain position.. If I’m paying attention I can realize it’s about to go and switch to a more comfortable position for it to pop.

18 / 20 Swollen Knee

Don’t Worry:

Prepatellar bursitis, which most commonly affects gardeners or anyone whose occupation involves a lot of kneeling, is caused by inflammation in the bursa, or fluid pouch, on the front of your kneecap. If you notice one knee is noticeably more swollen than the other, tender to the touch and painful to extend, try treating it with rest, ice and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication like ibuprofen.

Do Worry:

If the symptom doesn’t abate, if the knee feels warm or if more than one joint is swollen, have your doctor check for arthritis.

I’ve has issues with my knees since I was a child. My issue is from the muscles not being as strong and thus the patella (kneecap) is not positioned properly. Over the years it has been shifted, rotated & tilted. Right now, it’s the tilted that’s causing the problem & am currently seeing a physiotherapist for it Doing exercises to build up muscles & getting treatments for the inflammation. He thinks there might be arthritis in there too.

19 / 20 Enlarged, Sore Big Toe

Don’t Worry:

Your body’s underappreciated workhorse is the last part of your foot to push off the ground with every stride, and bears 40 to 60 per cent of the force load. You may not think about your big toe much, but when something goes wrong with it, you’ll wince with every step. Ingrown toenails are a common cause, accounting for one in five foot complaints to family doctors. A mild case can be treated by soaking the toe and applying antibiotic cream.

Do Worry:

A lesser-known form of osteoarthritis—hallux rigidus—affects 2.5 per cent of people over 50, and causes inflammation, swelling and aching in the joint connecting your big toe to your foot. Over time, the bone overgrowth caused by the condition can make it almost impossible to bend your big toe, and lead to protruding bone spurs.

The resulting joint degeneration can’t be reversed, but symptoms can be managed with NSAID medications, custom-made orthotic insoles, physiotherapy, specialized shoes or even joint replacement surgery.

You should also ask your doctor to check for gout, a rare form of arthritis caused by excess uric acid crystals in the blood.

Last time I had problems with my big toe, I possibly may have broken it. The cause was repeatedly kicking roots on a 3K hike with my Cubs. I had a bruise show up two days later, big and purple. It healed up on its own

20 / 20 Jaw Pain

Don’t Worry:

Aching in your jaw, pain while chewing, and a locking or popping sensation when you open your mouth wide can be signs of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, which can dislocate your jaw joint and inflame the muscles and ligaments that control its movement. Bruxism, or grinding your teeth, is a common cause, and many people aren’t aware that they clench or grind their teeth at night. “Waking up with a headache is a telltale sign of bruxism,” says Frank. “A dentist can prescribe a splint that covers the surface of your teeth, so you’re punishing the plastic instead of wearing down your tooth surface.”

Do Worry:

More rarely, jaw pain on one side can result from a cyst or a tumour, which your dentist can see on an X-ray. If the pain is only on the left side and radiates up your neck to your jaw, go to the ER right away—it could be an uncommon sign of a heart attack.

I have both TMJ & Bruxism, so I have a night guard I wear most nights.

Based on an article in Reader’s Digest by Anna-Kaisa Walker

I’m Fine

April 4, 2023

“I’m fine” is the biggest crock of shit going on out there.

If I ever say I’m fine, call me on it because I am lying. Lying blatently through my teeth.

I’m fine can mean so many things:

  • I don’t want to talk about it.
  • I’m trying to ignore it.
  • I’m not able to deal with people today, and unfortunately (don’t take it to heart) that includes you.
  • I’m in agony & don’t want to inflict my pain on others.
  • Brain is mush. Thanks to my meds! & Thanks to fibro fog
  • I honestly don’t know the answer
  • My mental health is screwed up not the physical.
  • My mental health is screwed up in addition to the physical.
  • I’m getting pain from multiple directions and can’t focus

It’s most likely the first one or last two, but can be anyone of these. If I make emphasis of “I’m fine” please don’t push it.

My Absence

April 4, 2023

I know I’ve been gone for a month and a half. I’ve been dealing with mental health issues which take priority, so my apologies.

So I’m pursuant to that, here is my first original post back.. Appropriately on Mental Health..