Archive for September, 2021

Food Choices with Fibro VII

September 28, 2021

The study also showed that low alcohol drinkers have lower severity of fibromyalgia symptoms and better quality of life than non-drinkers.

Alcohol intolerance is a rarely seen symptom yet most people who have FM or ME/CFS find that they can no longer drink much, if any, alcohol.

Alcohol, no matter the kind, can be devastating to Fibromites.

While a few are able to occasionally have one or two drinks with only minimal problems, for others even a very small alcoholic beverage can trigger a severe flare or relapse that may last for days, weeks or sometimes even months.

So, for most, alcohol is so obvious that it’s was not even originally in the list. So, you have to stop drinking alcohol.

On that note, I also have a fairly high alcohol tolerance (when not mixed with THC) that I inherited from my father.. I used to be able to drink most of my friends under the table.. For the most part I still can. But I have noticed at the club I am toast for days afterwards but have since realized that it’s the dancing at the club, not the alcohol that is responsible for that.. My BFF, as she has increased in weight has been slowly had her alcohol tolerance increase. I don’t know if she realizes that it from the weight gain & when she loses it again her tolerance will drop. ☹️

Working the Federal Election

September 24, 2021

On Monday past, here in Canada, we had a federal election. End result was we are now $600 million more in debt & the government changed by about 3 seats. We still have a liberal minority.

Directional sign by Elections Canada signifying our poll station.

But I’m mentioning this because I work the elections. It’s a long day but it’s actually kind of fun and here in Canada we get paid for it..

I did a training several days before & I get paid for that.. On the day of, polls are open from 9:30 to 9:30. We were required from 8:30am to whenever we got all the electors in.. Fortunately, our location was dead after 8pm. Other locations had people lined up around the block at 9:30pm when the polls closed (If they were in line before 9:30, they still got to vote. )

So there was a couple things that I did to manage.. I changed jobs so I wasn’t always standing or always sitting. Because our station was not very busy I was able to walk around quite a bit when I needed to move. I took my lunch outside and the same with my dinner, enjoying the lovely weather. I had my regular meds plus additional other meds in case pain levels went up. I did yoga – no not getting down on my hands and knees on a mat and doing stretching poses, but I can listen my back up, rolling forward & back similar to cat and cow, just in a chair. Last time, one lady actually stood up & did some full blown yoga poses!

So, basically I kept moving & kept lightly drugged the whole day.. But it works for me!

Food Choices with Fibro VI

September 21, 2021

While it might be appealing to battle FM symptoms like fatigue with a balanced dose of cola drinks, chocolate, tea or coffee, but caffeine can impede with your capability to get the relaxing and restorative sleep that we require. This is a big issue in diminishing painful FM symptoms. The journal, Arthritis & Rheumatism, also advises that sleep difficulties might in fact play a vital role in FM development. If you enjoy drinking caffeinated drinks or highly caffeinated foods, ingest them through the first half of the day merely to abate sleep issues.

Caffeine in its many forms, Pop, chocolate, energy drinks, Coffee/Tea/ Hot Chocolate

Again, because of the Coke products that I like this is another Achilles heel. Fortunately I have recently found Coca-Cola flavored Tic Tacs it actually taste like Coke. They don”t have the high amount of sugar or caffeine which is a good thing but it also does not have the fluid and hydrating aspects to help keep my body hydrated (yes, I know there’s also salt & stuff in there)

My Hair Hurts

September 17, 2021

I owe an apology to many of the ladies is some of the various fibro Facebook groups I’ve been it. There have been many conversations over the years about Fibromites whose *hair* hurts. Turns out it’s a form of allodynia

I always assumed that they were talking about head pain but not the sensation that it actually does feel like your hair actually hurts – not your scalp. You see, over the years I have had a bunch of concussions.. Three of those concussion inflame on occassion, so I will have swelling & tender points on my scalp. I can even tell which incident it was.. One of my bike accidents? Falling on the ice at school? Accidentally bashing my head against a wall?

Well, nope, that is not the feeling it turns out. Those repetitive reactions are *not* what these women mean. I found that out today.

I was brushing my hair like I normally do, and decided to wash my hair. When I do this because my hair is so thick I tend to flip my hair over and back brush to get the hair to relax so I can more effectively clean it. Well my head felt weird bending over and putting my hair down.. I started your back brush from the base of my skull and I was good until I got about 4 in down then – Oh! My! God!! My hair was in agony.. Not my scalp – My Hair!

So I stopped brushing my hair stood up flipping my hair back & again – Oh My God! More excruciating pain. I had to have a shower because I was stinky from heat sweat, I still had to do something with my hair. I put it in a quick loose bun that was clipped in not elasticized in.. I found that was the least painful option for hopping into the shower..

I can still brush my hair normally and it doesn’t bother me but if I could try to do anything else for my hair right now, I’m f**ked..

So I owe these ladies an apology cuz I was thinking their issue was not so bad cuz my version wasn’t too bad. I should know better.. Cuz my Fibro is not her Fibro & her Fibro is not my Fibro.

A little research yeilded this information:

Apparently the number one culprit for this kind of pain is not washing your hair.. The oils that your scalp produces naturally accumulate around your hair shaft, and if not cleaned can promote an overgrowth of yeast on the scalp. It is apparently the region around each hair, pore, or follicle that is becoming inflamed, which translates to sensitivity that can feel like your hair hurts.

Wearing your hair in the same style, like a high ponytail, cornrows, buns, or braids for days at a time, can also contribute to more pain.

How can we help it? It all depends on what hair type you’re starting off with. Finer hair can’t go multiple days, because it produces more oil, Yet curly or gray hair can, as it produces less. As a rule of thumb, people with oily hair should shampoo every day or every other day. Dry or coarser hair should do every three to four days.

I know we tend to be exhausted an washing one’s hair is an exhausting chore, but consider that it might be worth it.

Food Choices with Fibro V

September 14, 2021

Gluten is a protein found in rye, barley, and wheat product

Celiac disease is an immune reaction or intolerance to eating gluten, occuring typically in the small intestines It is a condition that overlaps with FM in some people. There is no reason to eradicate gluten from your diet if your doctor diagnosis you with gluten intolerance.

Some foods may impact you differently, even between grains. At home, you can try to see whether a few or all of these foods disturb your FM symptoms, by removing them one by one and keeping a journal to note any development.

Remove old-fashioned grains, breads, and pastas. You can substitute gluten-free replacements, such as those prepared with corn or rice. Also notice many marinades, sauces, and even candies may include gluten.

Breads are a high source of gluten proteins.

To see whether a few or all of these foods disturb your FM symptoms, consider removing them one by one and keeping a journal to note any development. If you find yourself cutting them all out, consider testing more extensively by utilizing a full elimination diet. Start with plain bland foods, adding a new food every few days and journalling any issues and in responses to what. Versions of this diet can be found online. Additionally, talk with a nutritionist. They can help you set up or improve a fine healthy diet that will not cause both the gluten reaction or for your fibro to flare.

Stupidity at the Mall

September 10, 2021

Warning – 100% Venting!

Earlier this week, I was having a big craving for Greek food but I did not want to pay an arm or a leg for it either. That means Jimmy the Greek..

So I had to go into the food court at the local mall.. This is the first time I’ve been since before covid. So I wasn’t sure what to expect but fortunately the food court is off an entrance.

So when I walk in the first thing I noticed is the number of people. It looked to be at normal pre-covid occupancy.. mind you the West plastic up everywhere, barriers in place so you can’t just cut through the seating section and tape and arrows and direction on the ground. I thought that this was a good sign except that I noticed people were not necessarily following the mall’s guidelines.

Fortunately, Jimmy the Greek is the third fast food retailer in the food court so I didn’t have to go around a lot of people. That still doesn’t stop stupidity.

As I’m walking through I am trying significantly hard to try to social distance from other people. Yes I was wearing my mask, but still…

When I get to the restaurant there are two people at the counter getting their food and three people in line waiting to place their orders. They are actually physically in line like they would have been 2 years ago, one right behind the other – maybe 2 feet apart.. They should be in line on the lineup tape/signs that was taped on the ground so that nobody was within two meters (6ft) of each other to ensure safety. Now each retailer has this. But apparently I’m the only one who knows how to use it.

So when it was clear and the girl called me up.. As I’m stepping forward this guy with his kids come barreling through, not only does he come close to me but also almost runs into me! What the Hell?!?!

So, I went up and place my order. There were still people ahead of me but the closest was 2 meters and the other was 4 m away from me. All good. Except the lady behind me beside me was waiting longer for her meal and then added to her meal. So she was taking significantly longer and I went around her to go pay for my meal which was being put at the cash.

And what does the psycho do but go back to the end of the countertop where the cashier is even though she doesn’t have her food yet. So I have to come scrambling back to get out of her way cuz she just came right at me.

The only reason why this chick got out of the way is because of the staff told her to so that I can pay.. Oh. My. God. How can you beat that oblivious??

So I pay for my meal. I turn around and look down at the floor trying to find direction on which way to go. There are, at that point, no visible signs that I could see telling me which direction to go. So I head back the way I came and just as I’m getting to the end of the restaurants I finally see a sign telling me which way to go and I find out I’m going the wrong bloody way.. *sigh*

Needless to say, I’m not likely to be going to the mall again anytime soon.

BTW, does anyone else wear their mask while going through the drive-thru or getting curbside pickup that gets handed to you?

Food Choices with Fibro IV

September 7, 2021

Pop (Soda) is enormously harmful for your body. The acids in them can destroy the stomach, the additives can destroy your entire body and the sugars are very harmful too. Still, when thinking of unhealthy sodas, most of the people believe that only those which contain sugar are bad for them but aspartame is just as bad.

Coke vs Pepsi

This is my Achilles heel… I’m a fan of Coca Cola. Mind you I drink of much less of it now than I used to..Used to go through a 6pack of 710mL in a week or less. Now, it usually takes a month or more to go through those same 6 pack.

Socializing While In Pain

September 3, 2021

Do I socialize when I’m in pain?

Yup, I socialize, otherwise I’d be a hermit!

Yup! Otherwise I’d be a hermit. Plus, very few friends can identify how much I’m in pain. My bff & my sister can tell by looking at me.. I have other friends & family who have learned the signs.

Mom can tell usually just by looking at me.. not always, but usually.. My sister is pretty good.. Her kids & hubby not so much – ironically I think the kid of hers that would recognize the best is her youngest, because he has seen me the most over the last few years.

My guy friend T has, over the last 3½ years learned quite a bit about how to read the non-verbal clues.

My BFF also has fibro & is sometimes a little too focused on her own fibro to catch my issues. Only reason I can gauge her easily is that she has an emotional response to her issues that I don’t even think she’s aware of.

My second BFF also has his own issues, and usually only sees me on better days.. I don’t think he’s even seen me at mediocre or worse in a long time..

Them there’s some of the Scouters I work with.. Raksha 13th & I have become good friends through Scouting & Rainbow I’ve known since grade 8 or 9, but through guiding & scouting as well. They are pretty good a picking things up.

There are other friends who are less prevalent in my life but even they can recognize some signs if I’m having issues

What I Can Do.

So, there is the basics of who I tend to see most, then the next thing is *what I can do*. Mind you the days when I’m seriously f****d up due to symptoms, I don’t talk to anyone unless I haveta Haveta HAVETA.

Now pain & other symptoms varyy from week to week, day to day, even hour to hour.. Fortunately in the last few years the hour to hour option seems to happen less and less frequently, but for a long time that is how I had to play it.

When my pain levels are super high, any communication is digital.. To everyone. If you’re lucky..

Digital Communication Only on my Worst Days, At Best

Next level down:

  • Mild exercise like walking my dog around the court
  • Have company over for low maintenance visits
  • Socialize for dinner with Mom & Dad
Exercise by walking the Dog Around the Court Is All I Can Handle Some Days.

As my pain levels drop, I can be more sociable in activities that require less interaction such as:

  • Hanging out with selects friends in a quiet environment, such as a campfire, living room, patio, poolside, dock.. This would be BFF’s, & T, for the most part
  • Walking around the neighbourhood
  • Watching the kids’ soccer games
  • Visiting the family cottage for a few days
  • Visiting the gym for a hot tub!
Hanging out with Friends, in Front of the Campfire, or Otherwise, Though we use Chairs – LOL

As the pain levels drop a moderate to low level I can usually do the following:

  • Karaoke
  • General.Cub Scout Activities
  • Marksmanship
  • Hangout with friends in a noisier, bigger, busier location like a restaurant or bar
  • Moderate exercise like the walks with my sister & the pups
  • cub Scout meetings!
  • Glamping at my BFF’s cottage
  • Concerts (depending on who, I may go on a worse day & accept the consequences)
  • Professional sporting events like the Leafs, TFC or The Rock.. & to a lesser extent, Argos, Jays or Raptors..
Concerts with Friends Are Always Fun!!

So assuming my pain level is low, there is a lot I can do. I can:

  • More strenuous exercise such as cycling
  • Visit the gym for Aquafit, yoga, weights, or the track. I had gotten in a few slow Zumba classes in before COVID..
  • I can Camp – not the glamping like at the cottage, but camping with friends, and even my Cub Scouts . In fact we were going to Camp Impressa for a year end camp earlier this month with my senior Cubs & the Scouts (See more in this post).. & I just went camping 2 weekends ago with T
  • Sporting activities like soccer with the girls or golfing with T
  • Some of the more physical activities in Cub Scouts.. Such as teaching how to put up tents, waterproofing the bedroll, setting up grey water, basic orienteering, limited kayaking/canoeing, etc..
  • The Pheonix. – Dancing at the club!
  • Hiking (like fairly flat, fairly short, nothing overnight – Second Marsh near me is a good example)
  • Roadtrip!
Easy Hiking with Friends

What I can not do.

There are so many things now that I would like to do that I just not in the cards. These are activities the I’ve either done or were at one point on the bucket list. This includes activities such as:

  • White water rafting. T wants to go – I can do the camping part, but not the rafting part
  • Backpacking/ Hiking. This includes longer hikes, more challenging hikes, or overnight hikes. I can not lug an air mattress through the wilderness 😄
  • Winter outdoor camping
  • Amusements parks – can’t do most of the rides, and way too much walking.
  • Skiing
  • Horseback Riding
  • Zip-lining (not sure I’d do that anyways)
Canada’s Wonderland, the Prominent Amusement Park in the Toronto Ontario Area.

What would you like to do that you know you will never do again?