Posts Tagged ‘Elite’

Online Dating Profiles – Tips for Guys

September 29, 2020

I know.. it’s got nothing to do with fibro, or health, but it’s my blog so I can pick the occasional off topic.

So.. Tips for Guys in their online dating profiles… I think unless you are in a hardcore fetish site or a site exclusively for hookups only, I think these suggestions might help you get a better response from the ladies.. or laddie’s, if you swing that way…

Have a Good Profile picture:

  • Picture of you, your face, not your dog, your bike, your fish, your boat or your genitalia.
  • Smile!!! Unless you a totally serious person.. Have at least one photo of you with an honest smile on your face.
  • Make sure you are the focal point of the picture. The point is to see you, not the statue or whatnot you are standing beside. & Loose the mask so we can see your face & also be cognizant of the light and shadows they cast
  • Picture of only you, no other people. You can put picture of you with your kid(s), your family, your friends elsewhere in your profile, just not the main one
  • No pictures with blanked out faces. Just crop the other person out, or use a different picture
  • Make sure it’s in focus and check the lighting to make sure your face can be seen.
  • Keep the background simple, unless it is highly relevant to you. & No taking your pictures in the damn car – be original! Try to blur out any busy backgrounds if you can
  • Don’t add any filters to your image..Don’t need to bling it up
  • Keep your images current, especially if your look changes..
  • Do not use memes as your first few images,
  • Don’t use the picture from work, be it an ID badge, business card or a professional marketing materials. Most of these are too posed & too stiff to represent you well in this medium.. & for ID badges, nthose are not typically a complimentary picture
  • Brush your hair, put on something nice if you are going to take a selfie & taking from straight on or better slightly above, but not beliw
  • Dont use an Avatar for your user image, and doing be someone that’s not you, esp a celeb.. If you are not Shemar Moore’s twin, don’t use his picture.
  • Include multiple pictures.. The second & third & fourth can include your kids or your dog.. but skip the one where your sister is giving you a high – first question is always – Who is she? His wife?.
  • Do not use the same picture more than once
  • Only use a “dick pic” if you are on a hookup site & that’s what you are looking for.

Add actual profile content.. it does not have to be long only 3-4 sentences to start… And you can add more later.

  • Write *Something* Don’t just leave it blank
  • Describe what you a looking for be it a hookup, a fwb, a dating partner or something long-term & permanent..
  • Describe what you’re looking for in someone. Be upfront. If you don’t like Asian Women, say so. If you don’t like Smokers, say so. If you want someone 420 friendly then say so.
  • Tell us about you – character traits & descriptive words that might help: Funny, sarcastic, confident, laid-back, determined, passionate, ambitious, kind, outgoing, shy, outdoorsy, homebody, animal lover, thrifty, open-minded, politically savvy, honest, honourable, adaptable, Raptors fan, imaginative, creative, spontaneous, happy, friendly, movie liver, compassionate, loyal, humble, meticulous, picky, assertive, sports enthusiast, reliable, sociable, enthusiastic, meticulous, generous, curious, clean, tidy, healthy, charming, brilliant, courageous, artistic, dramatic, playful, creative, principled, honourable, organized, scatterbrained, disciplined, affectionate, faithful, private, extreme, unique, sincere, reserved & shy vs affable & gregarious, talkative or quiet, adventurous, hardworking, Liberal vs Conservative vs Socialist, strong-willed, respectful, blunt, democratic, self-sufficient, wise, smart, sexy, vain, modern VA old fashioned, physical, hedonistic, money-driven, delicate, opinionated, predatory, zany, sassy …That’s a good list to help you out
  • Answer some of the questions different sites ask.. “What can you cook? What TV shows do you watch?
  • Be clear & concise. Be aware of spelling, punctuation & grammar..
  • The more you complete of your profile, generally also means the more accurate your matches are..

Do not have multiple profiles.. I’ve come across the same guy in 3 different profiles.. I blocked all.three cuz he’s not a twin or a ltriple.

Any other suggestions? For guys, or ideas for gals aswell – I could always new tips!