Posts Tagged ‘Faith’

Happy New Year!! 2023

January 1, 2023

I wish you Joy.

I wish you Happiness.

I wish you Good Health & Wellness.

I wish you Beauty.

I wish you Prosperity.

I wish you Love.

I wish you Humour & Laughter

I wish you Serenity.

I wish you Grace.

I wish you Bravery & Courage.

I wish you Success.

I wish you Hope.

I wish you Inspiration.

I wish you Fulfillment.

I wish you Goodness & Light.

I wish you Faith

I wish you Satisfaction.

I wish you Interest & Stimulation.

I wish you Contentment.

I wish you Peace.

I wish you Strength & Fortitude.

& I wish you the Bad so you can *always* Appreciate the Good

Positivity at the Cottage

October 16, 2020

My parents have a cottage up NE of Peterborough Ontario. Their shore line is comprised of layered stones both above & below the dock.

This summer I got a brilliant idea for the week I had the cottage to myself. I decided to paint these rocks. My Cubs had gotten me started on painting rocks this summer. I found it so relaxing – therapeutic even… But these ones are a little different, I didn’t paint the full rock, I just added a word to each stone. With a good selection of colours, it’s quite pretty..

The left side of the dock. Yes, there are spelling errors that have since been corrected.

I apparently can’t spell or my Fibro Fog kicked in while I was there. I am aware of several spelling errors on these rocks. I went back up recently & corrected all mistakes I am aware of. Was unable to really add much as the dock has been pulled in for the summer..

The stones do have a sealer on them, so hopefully the will last to next year. If not I can redo them. But if I get additional words of positivity & inspiration I can start filling in the other side, as this in only half the wall. The other half is to the right, right of the stairs.

Do you have suggestions for additional words I can use? I know Justice isn’t there yet.. anything else??

I also did completely cover some of the rocks around the firepit before I added words…

Pretty rocks in the firepit


August 14, 2011

I hate being it pain! I can’t stand that I feel ‘fine’ when I wake in the early morning to take my meds, then later I am in more pains. It’s scary that when I lay here and I can feel the pain creeping down my body until every muscle hurts, even if it’s not horrible bad. It’s just as bad, if not worse than a localized flare with a higher pain level. When it’s localized, at least there are some movements that don’t yell at me. But when it feels like every muscle from top to bottom is hurting, nothing can be done without some sort of retaliation from my body. And when the pain meds don’t help, what can I do? Today I’ve already maxed out (& then some) on my narcotics, as well as my muscle relaxer.. Why does God have to play such a cruel game? To quote Depeche Mode, “I don’t want to start any blasphemous rumours, but I think that God’s got a sick sense of humour.”


Now, consider how this also impacts my SO, when the relationship isn’t as strong as it should be. It frustrates, him, me, and all those around us.

Pray for me?

Welcome !

May 29, 2009

Welcome to my Blog!

My name is Kelli.. But I am also known online as Neon Rose and it’s variations (I answer to the name Neon, IRL).. I am also known, in scouting circles as Koolaid – yes, as in the drink (long story, I’ll tell ya some time)

This blog is about my life, my medical issues and any information I can share thereof.. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Endometriosis, Allergies, Sensitivities, Asthma, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME), Hypo active Thyroid, Restless Legg Syndrome (RLS),  Osteoarthritis (OA) and a host of other issues that are part and partial to go with the above mentioned. The focus here is going to be mainly on Fibromyalgia (hence the title), but will also include fibro-related issues and Endometriosis.

Why, you ask, primarily on Fibromyalgia. Well, cuz Fibro is the most significant issue at the moment.. My endo is under control, as is my asthma, RLS, allergies, etc.. Also, Fibromyalgia is also the least understood, most misdiagnosed and under treated condition that I have. If I can just help one other person, then, I’ll feel awesome cuz I have helped someone. (Why do I suddenly have a girl guide song in my head? *shrug*).

What aspects am I gonna cover? Everything I can. If you look at my categories you will see I plan to cover many areas of traditional and non-traditional medicines including Eastern medical philosophies, faith, as well as non-medical areas of life. I also plan to cover support (financial & emotional) and daily living and coping.

If you have questions, please feel free to ask.I will do my best to answer.

Note that all my content does not necessarily belong to me, however sources are always listed and author if available, if it is not original content. Please see disclaimer post for copyright information.